Friday, March 22, 2013

Big Changes Are Coming

It's been a bit since my last blog post but as some of you may know I have been extremely busy lately. I've been trying to put a lot of my focus into my work, not really sure why but it gives me something to think of all day. I have also been going to the gym or working out at home five to six days a week, and on top of that have been planning on changing my life.
What is this change? Well after a long year of living on my own, trying to find my place in this new world, and endless let downs, I decided it was time to start living the life I really wanted. I had made a decision in the fall when my sister moved to New Zealand on a working visa that I wanted to try the same thing. The plan was to pay down some stuff, take a leave from work and go for a year.
Initially my sister and I had a little plan of meeting up, maybe doing some traveling and some random work, and then when she set off for home I could do the rest of the year on my own. This plan seemed great in a lot of ways however there are a few things that came up that stopped this exact plan from working out. I live on my own in Ottawa where it isn't the cheapest place to live and save money, and second as of today my baby sister is home early from her journey in New Zealand. A choice that she knows I respect and just hope that she is happy in whatever she does, however I will miss talking to her at 3am when I have the dreaded insomnia!
So even though my sister came home I decided that I still needed to do something for me. I need to get out of this city and do what I! I have always wanted to go to Bali, Indonesia for as long as I can remember, even before Julia Roberts and the whole Eat, Pray, Love thing happened. I started looking at planning a trip there. Then I started seeing the surrounding areas, then the surrounding countries and all of a sudden I had seven countries that I now want to visit. How was I going to afford it? Could I do it on my own? When could I go? And then it happened...

I realized I'm not the first person to ever do this. The cost of backpacking around Southeast Asia has fairly minimal costs compared to many other places I want to go or have been before and with some careful planning I could do it. It all came to me very quickly and I realized that I could actually accomplish this. I would have to make some really big changes in my life now and until I could leave, but I could handle that. It was the first time in my life I had an opportunity to do something crazy like this. No ties here to hold me back, and that is very rare to happen. Plus, Justin Timberlake got married this year so my hopes of ever becoming his wife went down the drain. Over the next little while I will let you all in on my plans and how I'm getting to live my dreams. Big changes are coming.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Top 10 Mini Murrments

I have random murrments happen to me which I have shared on here in past blog posts. These are my top 10 normal pet peeve style things that drive me nuts. Otherwise known as mini murrments.

10. Being early for the bus for once and then it's late. This happens to me all the time, but more so on days when it is raining, snowy, windy, or I decide to wear a skirt to work. I'm planning on wearing a skirt tomorrow so I'm pretty sure I will be late.

9. Doing your eye make up perfect and when you put mascara on it smudges on your eyelid. This also only happens when you have to go out somewhere and have spent more time on your eyes than the normal throw on one color and go.

8. Being stuck behind people who don't know how to use an escalator. If you want to stand, stand to your right people. Some of us are in a hurry and the left side is meant for the ones who want to pass by.

7. Knowing there is a quarter of a bottle of lotion left but the pump doesn't go down far enough to pump it out. You pump and pump and nothing comes out. Screw you lotion bottle! How is it even possible that this happens these days? After years of this happening to me I thought they would have it right by now.

6. Finding a hairdresser that does a good job and then they leave or the place closes. I haven't had a consistent stylist in a decade. Wow that made me feel old!

5. Losing articles of clothing when you live by yourself and have your own washer and dryer. This happened to me yesterday. I tore apart my drawers, made a mess of my room and relived my teenage years with a disaster of a bedroom. I decided to wear jeans instead only to find the leggings at the end of the day. They were in the dryer that I looked through four times.

4. Forgetting words.
I say, "I was sick and watched a bunch of movies".
Other person says, "Oh what movies did you watch?"
Me, ".......Ummmm".
Pretty much I felt like a dumb ass. I am horrible with names. People, movies, books anything that has a name.

3. Going to take a picture of something great and then your memory is full. This is such a disappointment. Not only did you not capture the moment, you actually missed it because you were buggering around with your camera or phone and got nothing.

2. Having a bunch of open tabs on your computer and accidentally hitting the close button. No word of a lie I just did that while I was writing this. At least this time it was only the blogger tab and not all of the internet.

1. Getting ice cream on the back of your hand. You know when you reach into the ice cream container and the backside of your hand hits the side of the container and you get that little bit of ice cream on your hand? I can't handle this. It actually makes me cry. When I was younger I refused to get ice cream if it was close to empty. My best friend thought it was funny to do it on purpose to me one day. Let's say it didn't end well for the eggs in the fridge that day. I knew I was doing this post today and purposely put ice cream on my own hand to take a picture. What a horrible idea. I panicked after the picture was taken, but at least I got to lick off the ice cream and then had a bowl after.