Thursday, July 11, 2013

What Are The Hardest Things To Ask Yourself?

A few months ago I sat alone in my apartment and was really trying to figure out my life. Maybe I think too much. I just wanted to find out some answers to things I couldn't comprehend. Why were people treating me a certain way? What did I really need in life? What direction did I want to take? These are all questions that popped in my head but they didn't really get down to the core of who I am inside.
One of the hardest things to do is to be honest with yourself, look inside your mind and heart and then write down some answers that you truly believe in. Not answers you think people would want to read. Answers that challenge yourself. I wrote down five questions in a journal. These questions seemed simple until I wrote them down. The key is to write all five out, leaving spaces for your answers, just like an English test in high school. The words on the paper scared me, haunted me and were extremely challenging to answer. I actually took a couple days filling in my blank lines until there staring back at me was exactly what I was looking for. Here was my key to finding my own happiness, I was realizing things that I did and didn't want in my life and things that I could be proud of. It was a very freeing experience and I still think about these questions every day.

I challenge people to try this out and see what you can learn about yourself.
Here are the questions:

  1. What are you good at?
  2. What do you like about yourself?
  3. What do you dislike about yourself?
  4. What makes you truly happy?
  5. What makes you sad or angry?

I've passed it on to a couple of friends and hopefully they were able to gain some good insight to themselves. Maybe you can too.

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