Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Little Miss Busy

I can't believe it has been almost a month since my last blog post but life has been crazy busy and it's just going to get busier. In on of my previous post, Big Changes Are Coming, I had mentioned that I was going to have some big changes in my life in order to take a trip of a lifetime. Since then I have moved out of my lovely apartment and am living with some friends for a few months to save up some funds. My last month has pretty much consisted of packing, moving things into storage, moving things to my new home and getting settled in. And to my surprise, I actually love it here. I had a year living on my own, no one around, did whatever I wanted, but it was extremely lonely. I guess I am more of a social person than I thought I was. I have been here in my new home for almost two weeks and it's great.
That has been my last month and today I realized, as I input my next two months into my calendar, that it's just about to get busier. There are the usual engagements of course, birthdays, baby showers and most exciting is the visit of my best friend from Luxembourg whom I haven't seen in a year! I've also decided that this is going to be the year to volunteer my time and efforts into a few different things. I'm sure it will be posted all over Facebook shortly but I am going to be riding the Big Bike for Heart & Stroke with MBNA again this year, missed out last year for the actual ride by 10 minutes, but still got some good fundraising in. This year some of us are working on a fundraising yoga class in one of the city parks which I will shortly start advertising and creating a website for info and sign ups if people are interested. I will be after those reading this that live in the city!
I signed up again this year to do the Ultimate Run for Men's Cancer's where I will be doing the 5km walk, I don't have the time to train for a run, plus I despise running. Both of these foundations are important to me as there have been family members affected by both.
I also found myself agreeing to do a Yogathon at the end of May in support of Because I Am A Girl, Woman for Mental Health, and Helping Hands for India. A full day of yoga is something I thought I would never do but now I am signed up for a yogathon and am in the works of a camping combined with yoga retreat in Vermont next month. I am quite excited to see what that is like.
Camping. Oh the camping. Nothing makes summer seem short until you try to plan out camping weekends. One trip at least, if not two are planned and ready to go to the Thousand Islands this year and hopefully another weekend I can get in with my sister, we have talked about it for a couple of years.
Pretty much three quarters of my summer weekends are booked up until August and I'm sure there will only be more. I am never complaining about being busy. I love it actually, especially when it's fun times with good people in nice weather.
Of course with being busy murrments are bound to happen. I have been posting most of them on the Murrments Facebook page and get a good laugh at the ones everyone else is posting. Keep them coming!

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