Monday, January 28, 2013

Forever Alone?

The grass is never greener on the other side. I remember at times wishing I was living on my own, no one around to bother me, to have freedom to do whatever I want. Those things are great don't get me wrong, but living alone has it's downfalls too. So here are the best and worst things about living alone.

The Best

  • You have the whole bed to yourself. You don't fight for covers, wake up to someone tossing, snoring, or talking in their sleep. You can sprawl out to all four corners of the bed. Most people would love this, however I still sleep in one corner of the bed and sleep in the same spot all night. When I wake up I don't even need to make one side of the bed. It's still perfectly in place.
  • You can watch or listen to whatever you want. No fighting over the remote, no getting stuck watching shows that you can't stand. You can listen to whatever music you want, as loud as you want, at any time you want. There is always music on at my place, mainly because I can't handle the sound of silence, mixed with the humming of the fridge, but also because music is my life. It's on while I get ready, while I write, while I work out, while I cook and always when I just chill on the couch.
  • You can make whatever you want to eat. I eat pretty much anything and some days I like to spend the time and immerse myself into cooking a big meal (this will last me for days of meals), and sometimes I come home and eat nothing. No one ever complains about how long it takes to cook, what is being made, or if they like what I cook. If it's bad, I don't make it again. If it's good I usually forget what I did.
  • The only mess that is made is your own. You don't have to clean up from anyone unless you have company. My towels are always in place, everything is where I want it to be and if it's not I know I have to clean it up. My own mess.
  • You are always right. By far my favorite. There is no one around to tell you if you are hanging a picture wrong, building something wrong, or just acting wrong. At the end of the day you always get to be right because there is no one to tell you otherwise. This won't always apply because as soon as you tell an outsider and they say you are wrong, you aren't always right.

The Worst

  • When you are having a really bad day and you come home and just want to have a hug and cry it all away, there is no one there. This just makes the bad day even worse. At this point just go to bed.
  • You can't blame anyone for anything but yourself. If there is a mess, something isn't done, a bill needs to get paid, you went over on you internet usage, or you are out of food, you can't blame anyone but yourself. This was the one that went in between the good and the bad when it came to the mess. You made it, but you also have to clean it all up.
  • You spend way to much time talking to yourself. There are days I am sure I have gone crazy with some of the conversations I have had out loud with myself. I guess I'm never really lonely. Just a basket case.
  • It's cold being alone. There are no hugs, snuggles, or anything to keep you warm. I have become attached to my wool socks and multiple layers of clothing to keep me warm. It doesn't matter how high I turn up the heat, there is nothing like skin to skin contact to keep you warm. This one makes me sad. Murr
  • There is no one to make you comfort food. There are those days where it's cold out, you are grumpy, something has ticked you off, or you are just having a murrday. Those are the days I just want someone to make me a grilled cheese sandwich. It makes everything better. Making it yourself is not comforting. It seems like so much effort on those days. I usually just end up with toast with peanut butter instead.
  • There is no one to share silly little moments with. I see, hear and do a lot of random things in my life and those really close to me get my texts all the time with strange pictures of something happening, but sometimes it's a lot of effort to send something and try to explain it rather than seeing it in person. This must be how I end up talking to myself.

There are goods and bads to any situation but those are my thoughts on living alone. It's been a strange year for sure and it's taken a long time to realize the good, and they usually outweigh the bad. At the end of the day if I could have my own bed, a maid, my own room to listen to music in, while I had someone to keep me warm with snuggles, give me hugs and make me grilled cheese who would listen to my random stories, then I think it would be great. Or I could just get a maid/cook and a dog. That may also solve my problems but then I would be forever alone with a dog. Murrr

Friday, January 25, 2013

Murrment of the Week. Dirty Murr

This week was actually a very good week in respects to murrments. It was pretty uneventful and I was worried I wouldn't even have a Murrment of the Week post. Then I came home Wednesday after work, turned on my hot water, ran it for about twenty seconds and then it ran dry. This week has been ridiculously cold. At times with the wind chill it was minus forty Celsius, so my first thought was maybe the pipes were frozen. I don't know the first thing about plumbing. If you take me to a hardware store, the only thing I am doing in the plumbing section is admiring to copper color of the pipe pieces.

I called my landlord and there have been multiple attempts to fix the water but as of this moment it has been 3 days without running hot water. I just want a hot shower. They say when you can't have something you want it more. Well that is me this week. I want a bubble bath, a steaming hot shower, I even wanted to do dishes just so I could have a sink full of hot water, and I despise doing dishes.

My new best friend is my kettle. We are old friends and have a lot of history making warm tea together, but this week I have had to depend on him. I have had to boil water to bathe every morning. Those of you who know me well know I love camping and this isn't a huge deal to have to boil water to wash, but after a few days that novelty wears off. My horoscope this month told me I should learn to live with less. I get it. I feel like a genuine dirt bag. I think I am going to go to the gym tomorrow just so I can have a good shower. At least it's a good reason to get me there! Not many things make me really grumpy in life. I get cranky when I'm tired, I can't handle people snooping in my business, people who continually let me down and worst of all I can't deal with getting ice cream on the backside of my hand. Other than those things I'm pretty easy going. But murr.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Why Straight Girls Should Go To The Gay Clubs

Last night I went with a good friend to Edge Nightclub downtown in Ottawa. This was not my first time in a gay club nor will it be my last, but I thought I would share for all the straight ladies out there why you have to experience this at least once in your life. I knew I was going to write this little piece before I went out, hence my random poses with people in the photo above. Anyone that knows me knows how much I love going out to dance. It's really the only reason I'm in a club. I'm not there to find Mr. Right, or a fling or anything to do with that and that is the number one thing I love about going out to the gay club. You can completely be yourself, enjoy the music and not worry about the creepers lurching around you. So here are my top five reasons why every straight girl should go out to the gay clubs.
  1. It's a confidence booster. You have multiple men surrounding you telling you that you are gorgeous or beautiful or whatever may be and you know they aren't saying it to get in your pants like the majority of guys at a club would be.
  2. It's has a co-ed washroom and by far the cleanest washrooms I have seen in a club. Going into the ladies room at a regular club is disgusting. It makes me ashamed of being a woman and these boys are clean. Plus you get to have chit chats about clothes while you wash your hands.
  3. You can sing out loud to a whole Lady Gaga song and no one looks at you like you are strange when you are belting out lyrics at the top of your lungs. Look around, they are all doing the same thing.
  4. They play amazing music that keeps you dancing all night! It doesn't have the typical flow of music like a normal club (The house to get the ladies dancing, the random rock to get the guys there, the hip hop to get the booty grinding and then the classic last slow song of the night, your last chance to pick up that one nighter)
  5. You meet a ton of interesting people. No one is afraid to chat, take pictures, dance with you or just be crazy. People are very approachable and not awkward in any way.
So there it is. My top five reasons the ladies should try out a gay club. It's a lot of fun, minus when the bar runs out of vodka for the night. If you want a good place to dance the night away without the drama or the pressure then this is worth a try!

Friday, January 18, 2013

Murrment of the Week

Everyone seems to have understood what murrments means and now I am starting to hear people use the word murr more often which makes me giggle. I decided in keeping with the theme of this blog I would create the Weekly Murrment. This will be posted every Friday with the murrest of all murrments that have happened in my life for the past week.

It was hard to choose this murrment because dropping my Iphone, headphones still in my ear ,while on the treadmill was up there for murr. This seems to be a normal occurrence for me though. There was that awkward moment when your phone goes on the treads and flies off behind you and your first instinct is to reach down and grab it, but then you realize you will probably fall face first on the moving treadmill. That is never a pretty thing to see.

This week I decided to go with something that happened to me on Thursday morning. I was taking the regular bus to work. Got off downtown like I do most days to grab a coffee from Bridgehead and switch buses. I got on the 95 bus to get to my destination. First of all I have learned this week not to sit close to the middle doors when it's minus thirty degrees outside, it's damn cold at every stop! So my morning seemed pretty normal, I was escaping into my extremely loud house music on my phone, had my gym bag and my purse awkwardly sitting beside/on top of me and was just chilling out. I look up and there is an Asian kid looking at me really strangely and then smiling. I looked away, looked back and he was still smiling then looked to be mouthing something to me. I thought ok I am way to old for this guy what is his deal. Then he starts pointing at his Tim Hortons coffee cup and then pointing at me. Finally after this going back and forth a couple of times I decide to take out my headphones. I must be horrible at reading body language in the morning because it seemed like he was asking me what kind of coffee I had. So I looked at him, my music still blaring in one ear and yelled, "IT'S BRIDGEHEAD!!" At this point the whole bus heard me, looked at me strange, and the kid still glared at me with a smile. I put my headphones back in and went on listening to my music only to look down and look at my purse and realize I had spilled coffee all over my purse and coat. By now I felt like a loser. I was the random crazy girl on the bus with coffee all over her lap yelling, "IT'S BRIDGEHEAD!!" I discreetly wiped the coffee off and hung my head in shame and said to myself...MURRRRRR

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Should There Really Be Rules to Falling for Someone?

So I found myself in the book aisle of Walmart today looking for some cheap books and just as I was walking away I found a book called, "Not Your Mother's Rules; The New Secrets For Dating". I am not one for ever going near a self help book and especially a dating one, but something gravitated me to this book. After ten minutes of standing in the aisle looking through the pages, smelling some old woman fart and then hoping to God that the people walking in the aisle didn't think it was me, I realized that I had just read just enough snippets of this book to get me to buy it. I slowly put it in the cart, face down, not wanting anyone to see that I bought this. I do have to mention I did not buy this book for help in dating yet bought it as it shocked me how messed up we have become as a society. 
A big part of this book says to never share "the rules" with men. So if you are a man reading this close your eyes please. Here are a couple of things just listed on the back of the book which go into further detail inside:
  • Stay away from his Facebook Profile
  • Make yourself invisible and other ways to get out of instant messaging
  • Stop dating a guy who cancels more than once
  • Text-Back Time Chart
  • Don't just hang out or see him 24/7
  • TTYL: Always end everything first- Get Out of There!
  • And much, much more!
So the contents of this book go over why we as woman should never text, call, Facebook message, add the guy first as a friend on Facebook, why we should wait at least 4 hours to answer a guys first text and then 30 minutes thereafter and don't answer texts after midnight. It also says don't talk too much in the first few weeks, don't pay for dinner or buy his love in anyway, don't choose a college, job or relocate because of a guy, don't be self destructive by dating married, unavailable, and other mixed-messages guys, don't sext a guy, accept booty calls, don't date indefinitely without a commitment, and then of course after all of these topics how to deal with rejection.

So I have failed miserably at all of these things. Going to try and not make those mistakes again! What happened to being yourself? Having a good conversation in person with someone and getting to know them? What happened to falling in love with someone for who they are? It's all a game.This book really makes men look like horrible players and woman look as needy as ever. Our world has come to communicating electronically and if that is all we have sometimes should there really be rules to falling for someone?


Wednesday, January 16, 2013

What is a Murrment?

So the hardest part about starting a blog is coming up with a name. That and the first word you write down on your first post. It's a scary thing. A blog is an insight to your mind. That could be a really sweet, amusing or crazy thing if you are digging in my head. After a few people mentioning it would be a good idea I took the leap into starting this blog. Murrments. Now most people who know me know that I have a word. A word of many meanings and only a few know the peculiar ones. My word for years has been Murr. It is commonly used as part of my everyday vocabulary however I can surprisingly shut it off when I need to be professional, or are meeting someone for the first couple times, I wouldn't want to scare them off! For those of you that hear me say it or write it you will understand when I give this explanation. Murr is a random word that is used when something is either strange, disappointing, sad, or pretty much anything that turns out completely different than you pictured. A good example of murr is the following: You have an ice cream cone with two scoops of delicious mint chocolate chip ice cream and you go to take a big lick and the ice cream falls straight to the ground like this:


So now that Murr has been explained I will mention that this blog is not going to all be Murr moments like falling ice cream, although this is a normal occurrence in my life. This blog is going to be about anything and everything. It's going to be my prospective on art, travel, music, people, food, love and anything that comes to mind. It's about saying yes to new experiences, letting go of negativity, and celebrating those little moments in life. I will not mention any specific names in this blog unless I have already discussed so with that person so if you read something and your name is Bob it's probably not you. I have a ton of things to write about and the wheels are stay tuned!