Wednesday, January 16, 2013

What is a Murrment?

So the hardest part about starting a blog is coming up with a name. That and the first word you write down on your first post. It's a scary thing. A blog is an insight to your mind. That could be a really sweet, amusing or crazy thing if you are digging in my head. After a few people mentioning it would be a good idea I took the leap into starting this blog. Murrments. Now most people who know me know that I have a word. A word of many meanings and only a few know the peculiar ones. My word for years has been Murr. It is commonly used as part of my everyday vocabulary however I can surprisingly shut it off when I need to be professional, or are meeting someone for the first couple times, I wouldn't want to scare them off! For those of you that hear me say it or write it you will understand when I give this explanation. Murr is a random word that is used when something is either strange, disappointing, sad, or pretty much anything that turns out completely different than you pictured. A good example of murr is the following: You have an ice cream cone with two scoops of delicious mint chocolate chip ice cream and you go to take a big lick and the ice cream falls straight to the ground like this:


So now that Murr has been explained I will mention that this blog is not going to all be Murr moments like falling ice cream, although this is a normal occurrence in my life. This blog is going to be about anything and everything. It's going to be my prospective on art, travel, music, people, food, love and anything that comes to mind. It's about saying yes to new experiences, letting go of negativity, and celebrating those little moments in life. I will not mention any specific names in this blog unless I have already discussed so with that person so if you read something and your name is Bob it's probably not you. I have a ton of things to write about and the wheels are stay tuned!


  1. Sounds awesome. I look forward to reading your blog. I am sure it will be funny and heart breaking at times but a wealth of information and insight into the life of Jen!xx

  2. Jenny, I too look forward to reading your blog. Fallen/spilt ice cream are always murr moments.

  3. omg hahaha this blog makes my life
